Taylor Swift and Jews Targeted by Terrorists

Taylor Swift, Too? Threatened by Same Extremists Targeting Jews.


Three Taylor Swift concerts in Austria were abruptly cancelled because of an imminent terrorist threat. The main suspect, 19, was radicalized by online terror propaganda, and “thinks it is right to kill infidels,” according to Austrian security services. In 2017, an Islamic extremist killed 22 and injured more than 1,000 attendees at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. The incitement, misinformation and biased news coverage “globalize the intifada” that fueled these perpetrators also encourage attacks against Jews and Israelis.

Post from Columbia Univ. assistant professor Shai Davidai. (X)

Jews Increasingly Unsafe on Campus and on the Streets

Anti-Israel protests on campus have been around for years, but intensified during the spring 2024 semester. There were increasing calls to “globalize the intifada.” Palestinian terrorists launched the Second Intifada against Israel in 2000. The most recognizable attacks were bus bombings. Terrorists also attacked a Sbarro pizza restaurant, killing 16 and injuring 130; some 30 Jews were massacred at a Passover hotel seder where 140 more were injured. Students on campus and anti-Israel protestors marching on American streets chanting “globalize the intifada” is a direct call for violence.

“Free Palestine” was the rallying cry made by a man as he plunged a knife into the stomach of a young Jewish man on Shabbat in NYC just last week. This attack came only four days after a Belgian author wrote that he wanted to “ram a sharp knife through the throat of every Jew” he meets.

Jewish events cancelled on safety claims by authorities and police

The Israeli American Council has been unable to secure a permit after multiple attempts to gather outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago while pro-Palestinian groups received the same permits months ago. The Israel Loves America rally was denied by the city in June because “sufficient city resources are not available to mitigate the disruption that would be caused by the proposed assembly, or to police.” Pro-Israel rallies typically feature peaceful demonstrations and waving American and Israeli flags. Pro-Palestinian rallies typically include calls for violence, burning American and Israeli flags and unfurling Hamas and Islamic State flags.

‘Security concerns’ increasingly are cited to explain why Jewish and Israeli individuals and teams are excluded from events. Recently, a Belgian city removed Israeli teen athletes from an international frisbee tournament hours before they were set to compete because organizers caved to a “fear of pro-Palestinian demonstrations.”

The International Ice Hockey Federation banned all Israeli hockey teams from competing because it could not guarantee the “safety and security of all people,” before reversing its decision in January. A Tel Aviv rugby team was removed from a tournament in South Africa by organizers who stated: “We would have to put a major security plan in place” despite assertions that “should never divide because its purpose is to bring people together.”

Boycotts against Jewish and Israel-linked groups continue to grow. A Detroit Jewish bagel shop was forced to close after its staff walked out because of its new ‘Zionist’ owner. One worker stated that “Judaism is beautiful, but zionism [sic] is deeply antisemitic,” and another referred to the owner’s “colonizing” of the area, using an anti-Israel term to describe alleged gentrification. American singer Matisyahu was forced to cancel several shows earlier this year supposedly over ‘security concerns’ that were actually caused by staff walkouts and boycotts.

Intentional Misinformation Exacerbated by Media Bias Leads to Direct Consequences

Misinformation and false narratives spread virally after an Israeli Air Force strike on two Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad command centers. The Iran-backed terror groups intentionally located their military facilities inside a mosque in a school complex. Hamas authorities immediately stated that at least 93 civilians were killed. Journalists rushed to disseminate these unverified claims that were then used by international leaders to condemn Israel.

The Israeli Defense Forces used three “precision munitions” that left most of the school grounds standing. The IDF verified and named 31 of those killed who belonged to Hamas and PIJ, which used the school grounds – not in session at the time – as their command center. International humanitarian law prevents militaries from using civilian infrastructure for attacks. Hamas has a documented history of using homes, schools, mosques, hospitals, humanitarian zones and tunnels located under neighborhoods for launching rockets, storing weapons and executing attacks. This exploitation by Hamas renders these facilities “lawful military targets.”

The infographic shows 31 identified terrorists killed in the Hamas-Islamic Jihad command room in Gaza City. (Israel Defense Forces)

History Repeats: Manipulation of Casualty Count

Hamas reported on Oct. 17 that Israel bombed the Al-Ahil Hospital, killing 500 Palestinian civilians. Journalists immediately reported on this story without questioning how Hamas was able to accurately count the dead in such short notice without any investigation. World leaders used this claim to immediately condemn Israel. A subsequent probe confirmed that an errant Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket struck a parking lot next to the hospital. The number of fatalities is unknown, but thought to be about 50.

After his arrest, Tarek Abu Shaluf, spokesman for the terror group PIJ, explained how terror groups exploit hospitals: “To erase this story, the Islamic Jihad made some moves, it made up a story that the rocket belonged to Israel and that the target was the hospital.”

John Spencer, Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at the U.S. Military Academy West Point: “I have never seen a war where casualty numbers can be known immediately. Not in hours, not in minutes. Also, never seen a war where mainstream media will immediately run numbers from local sources (aka Hamas) while saying they can’t verify the military statements, despite the repeated examples of local sources (Hamas) providing wild numbers (Al-Ahi) or claiming no combatants were killed (hostage rescue).”

Palestinian Leaders in Their Own Words: ‘We will sacrifice our children’

Hamas needs “the blood of the children, the women, the elderly – we need this blood so it will ignite inside us the spirit of the revolution,” as slain Hamas ‘political’ leader Ismail Haniyeh had justified Palestinian civilian casualties. He was succeeded by 10/7 mastermind Yahya Sinwar. Palestinian Authority leader and head of the Palestine Olympic Committee Jibril Rajoub stressed on Oct. 7, 2020, that ”regarding the resistance, we will sacrifice our children.” He led the call to boycott Israeli Olympians.

IDF International Spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Nadav Shoshani corrects a statement made by the director of the UN agency devoted solely to the Palestinians. UNRWA helps perpetuate the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. (X)

1. ‘Globalize the intifada’ is a call for violent attacks around the world, not only against Jews

This phrase is a dangerous declaration to spread violence against all citizens, not a call for peaceful resistance. Anti-Israel leaders and activists who lead these chants – including “by any means necessary” – justify terrorism against individuals in their everyday lives. From Taylor Swift fans in England and Austria to Jewish students on American campuses, everyone should feel safe when attending events, studying in school or commuting to work. Violent rhetoric encourages conflict, urging attacks on innocent people far beyond the borders of any disputes.

2. Journalists should verify facts and not blindly trust Hamas claims

Iran-backed Hamas is a designated terrorist organization by many countries, with a history of using propaganda and misinformation to advance its agenda. Its statements are designed to manipulate public perception, incite violence and undermine peace. Journalists have a responsibility for scrutinizing sources, cross-referencing facts and vetting information before publication. Trusting Hamas narratives leads to biased reporting and a distorted understanding of the conflict. In a field where accuracy is paramount, reporters must prioritize credible sources and avoid falling into the trap of spreading unverified or deliberately misleading information.

3. World leaders must condemn Hamas for its tactics

The Israeli military killed at least 31 terrorists operating from a complex previously used as a school. Hamas immediately claimed more than 90 dead civilians. Leaders of countries, international groups and human rights organizations immediately reacted to news reports by vilifying Israel. Again, they did not condemn Hamas terrorists for using a former school as a terror base. They did not condemn Hamas for locating terrorists, rocket launchers and weapons in or near schools, mosques, hospitals and humanitarian zones. They did not call on Hamas to locate its bases away from homes and for its members to wear uniforms like most of the world’s militaries.

4. Hamas sacrifices its citizens to gain public sympathy

Many journalists and international leaders falsely portray Israelis as the aggressors against Hamas. The failure to provide an accurate view not only misinforms the public, but also emboldens extremists and terrorists. This perception is used to justify violent attacks against Jews in America and around the world. Also, Hamas intentionally locates its fighters in civilian locations because while Israel is legally justified in attacking these terror hubs, the terror groups know it will provoke international condemnation against Israel to further its agenda. Hamas willingly sacrifices its own civilians on the altar of global public opinion because it knows that it will not be held accountable. Failing to condemn Hamas for its actions reinforces its behavior.

Verify sources of information in news reporting on the Hamas-Israel war and speak out

Question the sources used by journalists in written and video reports on the multifront war against Israel. Many reporters rely on statistics provided by Hamas run agencies – including the Gaza Health Ministry – and accounts by unnamed Palestinians who may be spreading propaganda. Verify information, gather facts and speak out to correct misinformation and outright lies:

Media WatchdogsHonestReportingCAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis)

U.S.Jewish News SyndicateJewish Telegraphic AgencyJewish InsiderForward

IsraelTimes of Israeli24 NewsJerusalem PostYediot AhronothIsrael National NewsHa’aretz

Two resources, Wikipedia and ChatGPT, have demonstrated anti-Israel bias and dependence on pro-Palestinian information sources, and entries should not be presumed impartial or accurate.

Athletes Achieve Olympic Dreams

Jews once again proudly represented their countries at the Olympic Games. American Amit Elor won gold in wrestling. Amit extended her unbeaten streak to five years and became the youngest American wrestler to win gold. Her parents are Israeli immigrants to America. Amit: “I just can’t believe all the love I’ve received from Israel. I’ve always felt that to be a huge part of my identity, but especially after the tragedies on Oct. 7. I really hope that I can bring even just an ounce of joy.”

American Olympic champion wrestler Amit Elor holds a yellow ribbon symbolizing the hostages held in Hamas captivity. (X)

Australian Jemima Montag won her second bronze medal at the 2024 Paris Games in the in the mixed marathon walk relay. Her grandmother survived the Auschwitz death march. Jemima draws strength from a gold bracelet she wears in every race made from one of her grandmother’s necklaces. Australian water polo player Sienna Green won a silver medal.

The Israeli team finished its largest medal hall – 7 medals, 1 gold – with a silver medal in the women’s rhythmic gymnastics group all-around final. The team has performed well over the years in the World Championships, but this is the team’s first Olympic medal. Linoy Ashram won a gold medal in the individual all-around at the last Olympics. Israeli Olympians overcame threats – psychological terrorism – while competing.

When Tachlowini Gabriyesos competed in a track race in England a few years ago, he stated: “I just wanted to come back to my home because I missed it! Israel is a beautiful country.” The distance runner is neither Jewish, nor Israeli. The Eritrean asylum seeker represented the Refugee Olympic Team in Paris – he has lived in Israel since 2010. He is one of two runners based in Israel who raced for the refugee team.

Israel won a record-high seven medals at the 2024 Paris Olympics, three more than the previous record in Tokyo, 2021. (The Sports Rabbi, Josh Halickman, X)

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This content is developed by The Focus Project in partnership with Mercaz USA. The Focus Project distributes weekly news and talking points on timely issues concerning Israel and the Jewish people, including antisemitism, anti-Zionism and the delegitimization of Israel. It represents a consensus view across a spectrum of major American Jewish organizations. Mercaz USA recognizes and respects the diversity of views on these issues among its readers and the community at large.

The Focus Project develops and distributes news, background, history and weekly talking points on timely issues to inform individuals and organizations about issues affecting the American Jewish community and Israel, and help readers speak with more consistency and clarity. The editions also provide potential responses for addressing incidents of antisemitism and anti-Zionism. With input from a spectrum of major American Jewish organizations, we focus on that which unites us, rising above political and individual agendas.
Recognizing that hatred of Jews comes in many forms and directions, we strive to address all sources as they arise, and educate our growing audience on topics ranging from inter-religious relations to relevant international developments. From week to week, we may focus on issues arising from the political left, university campuses, from the political right and from institutions, government, and corporations. We don’t try to address all issues in each edition. We hope you will find this information useful in your writing and/or speaking. We are always open to your feedback: info@focus-project.org.