In Terumah, we read about the house that God asks the people of Israel to build so that the Shekhinah may dwell among them. The structure is beautiful yet practical. Although there will be a principal contractor, the entire nation is invited to participate — especially by contributing from their own possessions.
We should learn from the construction of the Mishkan how to build our home here in Israel. Since the beginning of the return to Zion, we have been working to create a sanctuary worthy of all Israel. Leaders must be open to the contributions of the entire nation, and everyone must find their own way to contribute.
On the one hand, God invites “every person whose heart is so moved” to donate, yet on the other, there is a detailed list of required materials. The same applies today — everyone in the country is called upon to contribute to the needs of the collective, which include paying taxes, serving in the army, and performing national service. Those who fulfill their obligations help realize the commandment: “And let them make Me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.”