By Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal | Rabbi Blumenthal is the CEO of the Rabbinical Assembly and the CEO of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ). Previously he served for over 20 years as Founding Rabbi of Shaare Torah in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
On a recent trip to Israel, I met with a wonderful group of Masorti congregational leaders from Israel’s northern communities. For months, they have been running to shelters with each “red alert,” caring for families of hostages, supporting family members enlisted in the IDF or serving in the reserves, and comforting bereaved families.
In our conversation about Jewish peoplehood, one leader, Gali, shared something that deeply moved me: “I saw American Jews as my source of light! My inspiration! Standing strong in the face of antisemitism, coming to our defense on campuses and on social media, visiting in person and sending us hugs from afar.” Others shared similar sentiments.
I am used to drawing strength from Israel but hearing this from Israelis who, in turn, find strength in the Diaspora was inspiring. It reinforced my already strong connection to Israel and our movement’s communities. Indeed, our mutual connection as American Jews with Israel and Israelis is rooted in faith, history, and an unwavering commitment to a democratic, secure and thriving Jewish homeland.
Yet today, the values that have long defined our relationship with Israel are under threat. In the upcoming World Zionist Congress, everyone’s participation is crucial to ensuring that Israel remains a place where all Jews—regardless of denomination, gender, or background—are treated with dignity and respect. As a leader in the Conservative/Masorti Movement and as a member of the MERCAZ USA slate, I want to share the values and priorities that drive me and that I hope will inspire you to vote.
The World Zionist Congress holds significant power over key institutions in Israel, influencing policies on religious life, funding for Jewish education, and the direction of Zionism itself. It is not a mere symbolic body; it controls more than a billion dollars in funding through the World Zionist Organization, Keren Kayemet LeIsrael (KKL-JNF) and the Jewish Agency — funding that benefits our communities in Israel as well as here at home. That is why we cannot afford to be silent, and why we must ensure that the voice of Conservative Judaism is not drowned out by those who seek to impose a narrow, exclusionary vision on Israel’s future.
MERCAZ USA stands for a pluralistic Israel — one that upholds the rights of all Jews to practice their faith according to the teachings and traditions of their community. Our movement embraces a Zionism that is inclusive, democratic, and committed to Jewish unity. We oppose the rising tide of religious extremism that seeks to delegitimize the non-Orthodox branches of Judaism, deny women and the LGBTQ+ community the right to equal participation in religious life, delegitimize our converts, and impose a rigid theocracy on the Jewish State.
The success of our slate in the 2020 WZC elections helped secure vital funding for Conservative/Masorti Jewish institutions and strengthened our ability to push back against efforts to marginalize non-Orthodox Jews. But the stakes have only grown higher. The Ultra-Orthodox slates, which seek to control the future of Jewish life in Israel, have made it clear that they view Conservative Judaism as a “fake” religion. Along with the other extremist slates, they promote a vision where only a select few dictate religious policy for the entire Jewish people, where democracy is undermined, and where Israel’s security is undermined by conflict.
As Conservative/Masorti Jews, we are steadfast in our support for Israel’s security. We unequivocally demand the release of all hostages held by Hamas and stand against those who seek to destroy the Jewish State. At the same time, we recognize that Israel’s security is strengthened by its democratic institutions. We oppose far-right judicial reforms that threaten to erode the very foundations of Israeli democracy, concentrating unchecked power in the hands of extremists. A strong democratic Israel is the only Israel that can truly be secure.
We must not allow those who reject our values to define the future of Zionism. We must not cede ground to those who would turn Israel into a theocracy. Instead, we must stand up, make our voices heard, and claim our rightful place in shaping the destiny of the Jewish people.
Together, we will protect Israel’s security, defend its democracy, and ensure that all Jews have a place in the Zionist dream.
And as Gali reminded me during my recent visit, Israelis are counting on us!