Torah for This Hour | September 26, 2024

A shelter for the soul

The Home Front Command urges us to properly prepare the shelters in our homes and in public places. They explain that it is a matter of saving lives—actual, physical lives.

A shelter and the need to prepare it carefully it advance are not new. The Bible tells us about the cities of refuge—the term miqlat is the same as we use for our bomb shelters today—where a person who has committed involuntary manslaughter can go to be rescued from physical harm by relatives seeking revenge. Rabbi [E]li‘ezer ben Ya‘akov even states (in Yerushalmi Makkot 2:6) that a “refuge” sign was places at crossroads to help someone in need find his way and be saved.

Today, through no fault of our own, we are all in need of places of refuge. We feel our people’s pain, we yearn for the release of the hostages, for good news, for quieter days. In addition to the physical shelters, we need shelter for our souls.

And the signage to direct us there?

You are to do what is right and what is good in the eyes of the Eternal and of man.* Not only in the eyes of God. Not only in the eyes of human beings. Rather, to attune ourselves to both planes at once.

Besorot tovot ve-shana tova! May we hear good tidings and enjoy a good new year!

* See Sifrei Devarim 79:5.