A Message for the New Year from MERCAZ USA’s New President

Rabbi Hillel Skolnik, President, MERCAZ USA

Dear Friends,

As we usher in the very first moments of 5785, it will have been two weeks since we gathered together online for our General Council meeting which not only installed a new slate of officers, but challenged us with the question of the limits of our tent as MERCAZ USA. To describe the year that is nearly complete as “challenging” would be an understatement of unthinkable proportions. As an organization and as a Jewish people we have mourned, agonized, worried and suffered in ways we had not thought possible. And even now, those feelings have not abated. 101 hostages remain in Gaza suffering in ways that are criminally inhumane. Their families enter into this new year missing the presence of their loved one as do all who lost loved ones – family and friends – on October 7 and in the war that has followed in Gaza and now in Lebanon. Students on college campuses face daily acts of anti-Semitism and our communities are forced to expend untold resources on the regular threats to security. Challenging is much too small a word. It has been horrific.

Perhaps never before have we needed the feeling of being embraced by the community around us that the High Holidays afford us. We crave the feeling of unity that comes from singing the words of the liturgy in our familiar tunes. At the same time, as we discussed just two weeks ago, our synagogues are big tents with many varied opinions.

While it is unquestionably our goal to bring out the vote for the upcoming World Zionist Congress elections, it is also our mission to make sure that MERCAZ USA is always a place that people can go to feel proud of their Zionism and to express it unabashedly. It was that pride which I saw in each of our speakers and it is that pride which I feel each time I participate in any event associated with MERCAZ USA. The need for each of us to stand up in support of the State of Israel, not necessarily agreeing with every decision in each moment, but with an unquestioned voice is real. We make the statement that in response to those who unfairly and unjustly criticize, we will lift our voices to defend Israel. And when the moment comes in the spring, we will vote in the World Zionist Congress elections and encourage everyone to do the same.

I trust you know that we cannot do this without your help. As you are undoubtedly asked by so many organizations at this time of year, please consider bringing in this new year with a gift to MERCAZ USA to ensure that our work continues with the strength it needs to be successful.

Wishing you all K’tivah VaChatimah Tovah – may we be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life for the year to come and may the day come speedily that those who continue to be held hostage be returned to the loving embrace of their families.


Rabbi Hillel Skolnik, President, MERCAZ USA