Israel At War

Timely Witness: A Message From the Rabbi of Masorti Kehillat Eshel Avraham

Posted on October 19, 2023

Timely Witness Rabbi Mijael Even David Rabbi of Masorti (Conservative) Kehillat Eshel Avraham | Beersheva, Israel     Those who know me, have known me as a man of peace. For years I have participated in interfaith projects and groups, including with Palestinian clergy. I believe in the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination […]

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Praying for the Return of the Captives and Missing

Posted on October 19, 2023

Members of NOAM with Masorti CEO Rakefet Ginsberg, after the prayer circle with families of the captives in Gaza and missing from the terrorist attack, held yesterday outside the IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv. Praying for the Return of the Captives and Missing It is a time of trouble for Jacob, but he shall be […]

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World Zionist Organization: Shabbat of World Unity (October 20, 2023)

Posted on October 19, 2023

  On Friday 5 Cheshvan 5784 – October 20, 2023 – Parshat Noach – MERCAZ USA joins in the Worldwide Unity Kabbalat Shabbat initiative of the World Zionist Organization, Jewish Agency for Israel, and Israel Ministry of Diaspora. Kabbalat Shabbat is a moment that unites Jews around the world. As Israel is experiencing this most […]

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The War on Israel: What’s Next with Times of Israel commentator Tal Schneider

Posted on October 19, 2023

On Tuesday, October 17, Mercaz Olami and Masorti Olami presented a webinar with the diplomatic and political correspondent for The Times of Israel and frequent commentator on Israeli radio and TV – Tal Schneider. The award-winning Israeli journalist spoke about the diplomatic aspects of the current war against the terrorist group Hamas: What happens when […]

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Unity in Crisis: A Special Presentation from the Conference of Presidents

Posted on October 18, 2023

  On October 17. the Conference of Presidents presented “Unity in Crisis: Emergency Solidarity Mission for Israel” in Washington, D.C. If you missed the live broadcast, you can watch it here: Over 300 leaders from across the Jewish community gathered to advocate with and hear from Congressional and Administration leadership. Speakers included Senate Majority Leader […]

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Focus Project: Jewish Fear and Suffering Intensifies in Israel and America

Posted on October 18, 2023

“Hamas is a group whose stated purpose for being is to kill Jews.” – President Biden As Israel mourns its losses and attempts to rescue hostages, it faces mounting threats from new directions. While a second U.S. carrier fleet steams toward the Middle East, 2,000 American troops are on their way and President Biden’s visit shows […]

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Posted on October 17, 2023

Join the Blue Ribbon Campaign, organized by JFNA and co-sponsored by USCJ and the RA, to show support and solidarity for the safe return of the hostages taken by Hamas terrorists in Israel. Learn more here or fill out this form to join as a sponsoring organization. Place your bulk ribbon order by clicking here. […]

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Posted on October 16, 2023

BH, Jerusalem, Cheshvan 1, 5784 October 16, 2023 “I seek my brothers” (Genesis 37:16) On Shabbat, Shemini Atzeret, 22 Tishrei/October 7, with the infiltration of terrorists from Gaza into Israeli border communities, where they brutally attacked residents, approximately 200 innocent civilians, including infants, children, women, and the elderly, were abducted, many of them beaten, injured, […]

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Solidarity with Israel and Latest Updates: A Community Wide Briefing

Posted on October 14, 2023

On Friday, October 13, the AJC held a community wide briefing, “Solidarity with Israel and Latest Updates.” You can view the briefing on the AJC website. (Please note: external speakers featured represent their individual beliefs and are not speaking as representatives of the sponsoring organizations.) In addition, the AJC is providing these additional resources: Community-Wide […]

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AZM launches Israel Emergency Relief Fund

Posted on October 12, 2023

Yesterday the AZM Leadership Cabinet approved the creation of an AZM Israel Emergency Relief Fund to support crisis response work on the ground in Israel, in close partnership with the World Zionist Organization. The link for fund information and donations is: We will be sharing this widely with our network as well as with […]

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