39th World Zionist Congress Elections


March 10, 2025 - May 4, 2025    
All Day

Five minutes and 5 dollars. That’s all it takes for any American Jew over 18 to vote for MERCAZ USA in online elections for the World Zionist Congress this spring and help direct tens of millions towards helping southern Israel rebuild, protecting democracy in Israel, strengthening our own Jewish communities, and promoting pluralism in the Jewish state.


MERCAZ is the political party representing the global Conservative/Masorti movement and its values at World Zionist Congress and the four so-called “National Institutions” under its auspices: the World Zionist Organization (WZO), Keren Kayemet L’Yisrael (KKL /JNF), The Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and Keren Hayesod (KH-UIA). A vote for MERCAZ USA in elections to the World Zionist Congress every five years not only helps us secure millions from these institutions to promote pluralism and strengthen Masorti Judaism in Israel. It not only helps us secure millions that our own synagogues, Ramah camps, USY programs, Men’s Clubs, Sisterhoods, and more rely on here at home. In Spring 2025, a vote for MERCAZ USA is a vote to make sure those hardest hit on October 7th receive resources they need to rebuild and recover. From making sure that KKL/JNF, controlled by the Zionist Congress, invests millions in rebuilding communities near Gaza, to ensuring the WZO properly handles its responsibility to implement Israel’s official efforts to support our hostages and their families.


Established by Herzl, the World Zionist Congress is the only democratic body with representatives from the Jewish people from every country and every Zionist stream. Here, Diaspora Jews like us not only have a voice: we have a vote. The Congress exercises control over four of the largest nonprofits in the Jewish world – WZO, KKL/JNF, the Jewish Agency, and Keren HaYesod – with combined allocations over $2.5 billion annually. Who runs these organizations and how they spend their time and money depends on your vote! A vote for MERCAZ USA in online elections for the World Zionist Congress this coming spring is a vote to direct millions from those organizations to supporting those hardest hit on October 7th. To helping our own communities stand up for Israel, fight antisemitism and educate the next generation. To strengthening the Masorti Movement and promoting pluralism, democracy, and democratic values like gender and LGBT equality in the Jewish state.


2023 was the worst year in Israel’s history. After the tragedy of October 7th, and before that, the divisive judicial overhaul that pushed Israel apart and into the abyss, Israel today needs a lot of tikkun – repair – both physically and societally. With just five dollars (a small administrative fee that also prevents voter fraud as each payment method can only vote a limited number of times) and five minutes of our time – that’s all it takes to vote – we help make sure Israelis who need it most get critical resources they need. In the face of rising antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment, we help our communities get resources to better connect with and stand up for Israel, fight antisemitism, and educate the next generation. We help make sure that at this moment when Jews must be united, that we have real unity with every stream of Judaism having an equal seat at the table in a Jewish AND democratic Israel.


Not voting in elections to the World Zionist Congress IS voting. Not supporting MERCAZ USA means handing power and billions to close allies of those whose divisiveness and extremism helped tear Israel apart in the first place. Who want to spend those billions on projects that advance their political agenda instead of helping those who need it most. Not voting means risking millions the Masorti Movement in Israel and our own synagogues and youth programs rely on. Risking extremists gaining control over the Jewish Agency, the leading voice of Diaspora Jews before Israel’s government and society with significant influence on questions regarding the rights of non-Orthodox Judaism in the Jewish state. We can’t let all this happen.


Be an advocate for MERCAZ USA. Share this information with your family and friends. Sign up to receive updates and a reminder to vote when polls open in March. Follow MERCAZ USA on social media (@mercazusa). Contact us to get involved. In the last elections to the World Zionist Congress, our communities didn’t show up to vote and deliver our Movement the representation it needs and deserves in Israel. At this pivotal moment in Israel’s history, in the next elections, we can’t afford to make the same mistake again. Make sure to spread the word about MERCAZ USA!

Voting in the next elections begins in the Spring of 2025 …

Voting is a simple online process that takes five minutes and five dollars. Any American Jew (by self-identification, while not identifying as a member of another religion) over 18 can vote for MERCAZ USA in elections to the World Zionist Congress. The voting period begins on March 10th, and no preregistration or organizational membership of any kind beforehand is required. The five dollars is a small administrative fee covering the cost of administering or the election, which also prevents voter fraud as each payment method can only vote a limited number of times.

… additional details coming soon and will be posted on this page.

Click here to receive a reminder to vote for MERCAZ USA when polls open and to join the MERCAZ USA team!

Learn more about the World Zionist Congress from this video produced by the American Zionist Movement (AZM) for the 2020 (38th World Zionist Congress) elections: